Maria Mollstedt works as quality manager at PV Systems in Tidaholm. Her role includes quality and environmental responsibility but also project management and not least risk assessment and CE marking. PV Systems develops and delivers customised automation solutions for industries. They are therefore used to facing new conditions and requirements, assessing risks and finding unique technical solutions.
Maria does not work alone with machine safety issues, CE marking and documentation. At PV Systems, CE marking is a team effort. With support from CEDOC, they discuss various risks and issues that arise. The risk assessment starts at the design phase of the project and continues throughout the project. In addition to produce mesure plans for the risks identified, they also use the comments category of the program to describe the preventive measures taken.
Because each automation solution is unique, they work through all the points listed in CEDOC at every occasion. Maria feels that CEDOC provides good support in the work of creating safe equipment that fulfils the Machinery Directive.
There is a lot to consider when working with machine safety. One of the biggest challenges is to reconcile the customer’s requirements and expectations with the Machinery Directive, but at the same time, customers today are very keen to get a safe and user-friendly product.